Carey's Freelance Services
Blogumulus by Roy Tanck and Amanda Fazani
Monday, January 19, 2015
How to Buy Probate Properties
(WikiHow) Probate properties are owned by the estate of a deceased homeowner and are often sold below market value to property investors and potential home-buyers. However, the process of purchasing these properties isn’t always quick -- lasting anywhere from 6 months to several years. This article identifies the avenues used to buy probate properties and specific laws that may apply to a probate property sale in some states.
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Saturday, January 10, 2015
Is Paypo a scam?
Paypo is a
very high converting
product & basically
sells itself due
to the 100%
affiliate commission structure.
That means that
you can make
your money back
with your very
first sale. Is that a good thing?
So far, the site promises unlimited $10 instant payments to
your PayPal account. I will assume that you will not receive the entire $10 due
to administrative fees. Nevertheless, it still appears to be an easy way to
make money online.
The greatest part of this program is that it requires you to
pay a one-time $10 fee via PayPal. Basically, this is how you get paid. For
example, someone buys into the program through your affiliate link and you get paid
instantly. Furthermore, the program promises not to impose any offers, monthly
feed, or pyramid like schemes.
Overall, I am not a big fan of affiliate marketing as a lot
of these programs are hyped up to take people money and waste their time. However, Paypo seems to a good plan for
helping people to help one another.
So If you interested
in giving this program a try, click
to get started
If you have any questions, email
Friday, January 9, 2015
Why Market Research Matters
Market research is vital to an company's long term success. Market research will keep a company's brand alive while those companies who fail to conduct research will see their brand die off.
Market research should be on a company's priority list for the following five key reasons:
Market research focuses on customer satisfaction
Quality management teaches that the customers determine what the next product or service to be created. There is an old saying that the customer is always right. This means that a company must keep the lines of communication open between themselves and their customers through research. They must also work hard at understanding and continuously meeting and/or exceeding their customers' needs.Market research keeps you focused
When used properly, marketing research should reveal what’s most important to consumers and helps a company prioritize and maximize its time effectively. It can refine both short-term and long-term marketing goals, helping owners and managers feel less overwhelmed in the long run.Market research allows companies to pursue the most lucrative business opportunities
Every business owner want to grow their business but often do not know how to do so. Market research helps analyze opportunities to prioritize those with the highest revenue potentials
Market research keeps a business relevant and looking ahead
A business can be compared to a swimmer in the middle of an ocean with no land or life preserver in sight. The swimmer has two choices: "Swim or Drown". Like the swimmer, a business must find the energy it needs to stay afloat. This means that a business must assure that its brand will continue to win the favor of its customers. Conducting regular research with consumers and customers helps a business to adapt and evolve its brand to meet long-term needs. While focusing on short-term results is necessary, focusing too much on the short-run limits your brand’s longevity and relevancy in the future. If you are not able to keep up with the ever-changing needs and wants of the consumer, someone else will..Market research improves decision-making capabilities and reduces risk.
Market research can provide insight about market conditions, products,services, audience, competition, and more. Using a comprehensive research library, can boost decision making with greater skill. By having research to backup marketing decisions, a brand can be optimized and any risk for failure will be minimized.Friday, August 9, 2013
15 Things You Did Not Know About Cucumbers
They taste good in a salad and make a wonderful fragrance. Cucumbers are packed with many wonderful benefits. Here are the following 15 uses for cucumbers.

2. Defogger:
Do you get annoyed when you get out of the shower and you have to fight the fog
on the mirror? Try rubbing a
slice of cucumber on the mirror before you hop in and not only will you get a
fog-free mirror, but you’ll have a nice smell that will boost your mood.
3. Headaches:
If you suffer from headaches from chasing your kids pets, spouse, boyfriend,
girlfriend, etc., or had a little too much wine with dinner and want to avoid a hangover; then eat half of
a cucumber before bed. Cucumbers are high in B vitamins, sugar, and
electrolytes, and they replenish the nutrients missing in your body to help you
avoid a hangover or to beat that headache that’s been threatening to take over.
4. WD-40
replacement: Did you know you can get rid of a squeak by rubbing a cucumber
on the hinge?
5. Crayon
on the walls: Take an unpeeled cucumber and rub the crayon off of the walls
in the event that your kiddo left you some art. You can also use this technique
to erase a pen mistake.

7. Tarnish
remover: If you’re finding tarnish on your stainless steel kitchen faucets and appliances? Rub it off with a cucumber slice. Not only
will it remove years of tarnish, it will leave it streak free and your hands
will thank you, and your kids won’t be put at risk from a dangerous chemical.

12. Pest
control: Put three or four slices of cucumber in a small pie tin and place
them in your garden. The chemicals in the cucumber have a reaction that pests
hate. You won’t smell it, but it will drive them from your garden all year
long. Replace them periodically.
13. Sunburn:
Sometimes sun block doesn’t always protect
your little ones from sunburn. If you have burnt little kiddos you don’t have
any aloe, rub some cucumber on them. Many doctors
even use cucumber to treat patients with irritated skin and sunburns.
14. Blood
pressure: Cucumber has been long used to treat high blood pressure. If you
have it, add cucumbers to your daily diet.
There is also ongoing research into the use of cucumbers for lowering cholesterol.
15. Constipation
remedy: The seeds of a cucumber are a diuretic. If you’re constipated, try
eating a cucumber. If you suffer from chronic constipation, add cucumber to
your daily diet.
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
MIT's Gmail Visualization Tool
Remember Edward Snowden, the NSA
leaker that exposed how phone & internet companies including the government
are using our data to spy on us? Well, it appears that the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology's (MIT) Media Lab announced a new tool that uses your
Gmail metadata to build a visual map of the web you've created with others. The
tool, called Immersion, has been
gaining national attention.
Immersion is a visualization of the
social webs we create when we send and receive emails. In light of the uproar
that Edward Snowden created, Immersion gives ordinary individuals a glimpse at
how our email data and cell phone data can be used by government analysts to build
a profile on us by visualizing the people we make the most contact with.
According to the tool, the more
frequent email contacts are represented by a large bubble. The less frequent
contact are represented by smaller bubbles. Bubbles that are connected with
lines represent networks. Nevertheless, an analyst can quickly discern a target’s
social affiliation.
Please note that you must have a gmail account in order to use the tool.
Edward Snowden,
Gmail Visualization Tool,
Sunday, May 12, 2013
The Legend of the Straw Man
The Legend of the Straw
It has been brought to my attention that during the 1930’s,
the United States began issuing its citizens what is known as a ‘birth
certificate’. Surprisingly, these certificates of live birth may additionally
be a type of corporate document used to hold every citizen as collateral for
government debts. Whether this may be a conspiracy or not, it does appear that
this action of the government is contradictory to its constitution. In other
words, they have made us virtual slaves.
A straw man is metaphorically described as an entity that has
the shape of a living man, but has nothing but (symbolically) worthless straw
inside. In fact and according to US laws each one of us is actually two people.
Meaning, one that lives and breath, and one that is in form of birth
certificate and SS #. Therefore, it is our straw men that work for us, buy our
houses and cars, and borrow money for us.
Nevertheless, I am not bothered by being required to have
these documents to prove my nationality. However, I do find it very disturbing
that my government may be using my identification to secure debts. Question is,
“If I am to be collateral, will my nation’s creditors (other nations) take possession
of me in the event of default?” Hmmm…I
think not…at least not over my dead straw man.
Conspiracy theories,
Sovereign Citizen,
Saturday, May 11, 2013
A Simple Analysis of Bitcoins
A Simple Analysis of Bitcoins
Most Bitcoin traders, miners, and
merchant alike are still feeling the effects of the Bitcoin bubble crash of
April 10, 2013. From a price of $13.30 per unit at the beginning of 2013,
Bitcoins rose to an astounding high of $266 per unit. Such a movement caught
global attention as the virtual currency surpassed both the price of a one ounce bar of silver
and one share of a gold ETF (NYSE:GLD). In addition, the Bitcoin market
capitalization rose from $500 million USD to over 2 billion USD.
Suddenly, as quickly as it rose,
Bitcoins crashed in value from what many economists called - a “bubble’. Like
most economists, I would tend to believe that the Bitcoin bubble was created by
panic buying that was sparked by the financial crisis in the nation of Cyprus.
What caused the
The Cypriot crisis created a global
fear that our governments could at any time step in and seize our hard-earn
cash and allowance it out to us as if we were little irresponsible children. In
addition, there were calls from Russia demanding its citizen to repatriate
their offshore capital (1) . The response was
panic buying of Bitcoins from all across the Eurozone.
There was also speculation that the
merger of US based, CoinLab (1) and Japan’s MT.Gox (2) would ease
investment fears from American and Canadian investors. Such a merger would have
created better liquidity as the North American investors try to move their cash
to and from the Mt.Gox exchange.
What caused the
I believe the crash was brought on
by rumors that the Cypriot government was in talks on April 10 to sell its excess
gold reserve in order to raise euros that would finance its bailout deal with
the European Union and the International Monetary Fund (4) . Nevertheless, it is
just my opinion that this monetary action created a bearish sentiment in the
Bitcoin markets as investors felt that the Cypriot banking system would recover
from the deal.
Macroeconomics teaches us that the
price of a product or service is determined by its available supply and level
of demand. Bitcoins by all means, fall under this rule. When predicting the
price movement of Bitcoins, I find the macroeconomic method easier because of
its simple fundamentals.
According to macroeconomics, a product like Bitcoins has a supply (S) that is in circulation and a level of demand (D) placed on it by investors, merchants, and consumers. The supply and demand chart is used by economists to predict price movements. In the above chart, the point where the supply curve intersects with the demand curve is called the Equilibrium. It is the equilibrium where the market price (P) and market quantity (Q) of a product is set.
Nevertheless, the price of Bitcoins
will increase only if the global demand for it increases or if the global
supply of it decreases. And the price of Bitcoins will fall only if the global
demand for it decreases or if the global supply of it increases.
Economic Analysis of
I have mentioned earlier that in
the beginning of 2013, the price of a Bitcoin was $13.30 per unit and by April
10, 2013, it reached a high of $266 per unit and then crashed. The chart below
shows an economic picture of this event.
Figure 1: The Bitcoin Bubble
The Bitcoin Bubble
According to the chart see Figure1, the move from P1 to P2 was caused
by a rightward (increase) shift in the demand curve. It is understood that this
shift was created by a fear coming from Cypriots, other Eurozone members, and
Russians that feared their private savings and personal capital were under the
threat of being seized by their governments. Since Bitcoins are decentralized-
meaning no government has jurisdiction over them; fearful investors and
depositors flocked to the virtual currency for safety.
Figure 2: The Bitcoin Crash
The Bitcoin Crash
According to the chart see Figure2, the move from P1 to P2 was caused
by a leftward (decrease) shift in the demand curve. It is understood that this
shift was created by a restored confidence in government and banking from the
Cypriots and other Eurozone members. It may also be assumed that the crash
could have been brought on by the DDOS attacks and excessive trading on the
Mt.Gox exchange servers which cause serious delays in trade transaction;
causing the exchange to temporarily shut down and spooking traders into selling
their Bitcoins (5) .
Determinates of
Bitcoin Demand
I believe these five economic
factors can affect the global demand for Bitcoins.
Government seizure of private assets – This
is perhaps the main reason why Bitcoins exist and will continue to exist.
Nobody wants their life savings or hard earn cash taken from them. It’s bad
when a thief does this, but it is devastating when your government does it.
Cyprus showed the world what happens when a government and banking system can’t
manage their debt (it takes it out on its people). Nevertheless, I believe this
is a key sign to watch out for. If governments start taking people’s money
by force; expect Bitcoin prices to soar!!!
Price speculation and manipulation –
I see this as the second determinate of Bitcoin demand. I also see this as a threat
to Bitcoins. Just my opinion, I believe Bitcoins were meant to protect its user’s
privacy from abusive government and banking regulations. Personally, I believe
the current market price is overvalued. However, this new trending currency has
a global potential to rival the current fiat system. Naturally, a few investors
see the Bitcoin popularity as a multi-million dollar opportunity and of course;
buy, mine, and hoard as many Bitcoins as possible.
These actions artificially drive up the price of Bitcoins as these
‘speculators’ try to manipulate the market. Without any major geo-political
event or financial regulations affecting Bitcoins, speculators have free reign
to abuse the Bitcoin market. Nevertheless, I believe this is a key sign to
watch out for. If there is no other global situation like Cyprus; expect Bitcoins
prices to drop!!!
Competition from alternative digital
currencies – I see this as the third determinate of Bitcoin demand. I
also see this as a threat to Bitcoins. As an open source technology,
alternative forms of digital currencies can be created by any skilled
developer. Because of Bitcoins popularity, many copycat developers are seeking
to develop their own versions of the crypto-currency in order to capitalize on
the trend. The results are variants with names like Litecoin, NameCoin, NovaCoin, FeatherCoin, and ChinaCoin (5) . Fortunately for Bitcoins, these variants
are not accepted in the same market places where Bitcoins are exchanged for
goods and services. If they were, then they could create an aggregate effect on
global supply of crypto-currencies and crash Bitcoin prices down. In other
words, too many alternative currencies can decrease demand by drawing money
away from Bitcoins. Nevertheless, I believe this is a key sign to watch out
for. If
alternative crypto-currencies are accepted in the same places where Bitcoins
are accepted; expect Bitcoins prices to drop!!!
Acceptance of Bitcoins by consumers
worldwide – I see this as the fourth determinate of Bitcoin demand. I
also see it as crucial to Bitcoin survival. So far Bitcoins are used to
purchase items like electronics, clothing, and food. Bitcoin are also used to
purchase services like web hosting and guitar lessons. However, acceptance can
only grow once more people get over their fear and ignorance of this
revolutionary technology. Nevertheless, I believe this is a key sign to watch
out for.
Trading of illicit products and services – I
see this as the fifth determinate of Bitcoin demand. I also see this as the
lifeline of Bitcoins. There are many pundits of Bitcoins that claim Bitcoins
are a scam and eventually will fail. However, I dispute their claims because
Bitcoins do have practical uses. The Tor Network was created so that its users
could sell products and services anonymously. In fact, the Tor Network is what
gives Bitcoins their famous hallmark; anonymity. The network was also created as a last outpost
for people wishing to challenge their oppressive governments. Obviously, they
needed an anonymous medium of exchange. This why Bitcoins and the Tor Network
have become a perfect pair.
Even if the government tries to ban Bitcoins, the price will never go to
zero. Governments must learn that banning an item will only create a
black-market for it. In fact such actions by the government will be viewed as a
threat to civil liberties. As long as the internet and the Tor Network exist,
Bitcoins will always hold a value. Nevertheless, I believe this is a key sign
to watch out for. Remove the internet and the Tor Network; expect Bitcoin prices to crash to zero!!!
My Analysis
In order for the price of Bitcoins
to return to the $266 price of April 10, 2013, we must see an event similar to
the Cyprus crisis; which would shift the demand curve greatly to the right. In
addition, this event could spark a fury of buying activity from speculators
seeking to profit from the crisis.
In my opinion, I don’t see the
price for Bitcoins returning to its previous high unless some government
decides to seize its citizens’ bank accounts. My educated guess for Bitcoins
would be to expect a sudden pull back to $60, then a steady increase to $200
price levels as other Eurozone nations and the North American nation of Canada
a face similar crisis like that of Cyprus (7) .
1. Durden, Tyler. Rethinking Money With Bitcoin
Quadrupling Since Cyprus. Zero Hedge. [Online] 4 7, 2013.
2. CoinLab. Bitcoin
Price Reaches All-Time High after Mt. Gox Announces CoinLab Partnership. CoinLab.
[Online] 2013.
3. Mt.GOX. Trade
with confidence on the world's largest Bitcoin exchange! Mt.GOX. [Online]
4. Reuters. Cyprus
to sell around 400 million euros worth of gold. Reuters. [Online] 4 10,
5. Burn-Callander,
Rebecca. Yesterday's bitcoin billionaires are today's virtual vagabonds. Management
Today. [Online] 4 11, 2013.
6. BTC-e. News. BTC-e.
[Online] 2013.
7. Thomas, Jeff.
If Cyprus Is the Bellwether, then Canada Is the Red Flag. GoldSeek. [Online]
5 9, 2013.
8. The Tor Project.
Anonymity Online. Tor. [Online] 2013. Anonymity Online.
9. Bitpay, Inc.
The world leader in Bitcoin Business Solutions. BitPay. [Online] 2013.
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