They taste good in a salad and make a wonderful fragrance. Cucumbers are packed with many wonderful benefits. Here are the following 15 uses for cucumbers.

2. Defogger:
Do you get annoyed when you get out of the shower and you have to fight the fog
on the mirror? Try rubbing a
slice of cucumber on the mirror before you hop in and not only will you get a
fog-free mirror, but you’ll have a nice smell that will boost your mood.
3. Headaches:
If you suffer from headaches from chasing your kids pets, spouse, boyfriend,
girlfriend, etc., or had a little too much wine with dinner and want to avoid a hangover; then eat half of
a cucumber before bed. Cucumbers are high in B vitamins, sugar, and
electrolytes, and they replenish the nutrients missing in your body to help you
avoid a hangover or to beat that headache that’s been threatening to take over.
4. WD-40
replacement: Did you know you can get rid of a squeak by rubbing a cucumber
on the hinge?
5. Crayon
on the walls: Take an unpeeled cucumber and rub the crayon off of the walls
in the event that your kiddo left you some art. You can also use this technique
to erase a pen mistake.

7. Tarnish
remover: If you’re finding tarnish on your stainless steel kitchen faucets and appliances? Rub it off with a cucumber slice. Not only
will it remove years of tarnish, it will leave it streak free and your hands
will thank you, and your kids won’t be put at risk from a dangerous chemical.

12. Pest
control: Put three or four slices of cucumber in a small pie tin and place
them in your garden. The chemicals in the cucumber have a reaction that pests
hate. You won’t smell it, but it will drive them from your garden all year
long. Replace them periodically.
13. Sunburn:
Sometimes sun block doesn’t always protect
your little ones from sunburn. If you have burnt little kiddos you don’t have
any aloe, rub some cucumber on them. Many doctors
even use cucumber to treat patients with irritated skin and sunburns.
14. Blood
pressure: Cucumber has been long used to treat high blood pressure. If you
have it, add cucumbers to your daily diet.
There is also ongoing research into the use of cucumbers for lowering cholesterol.
15. Constipation
remedy: The seeds of a cucumber are a diuretic. If you’re constipated, try
eating a cucumber. If you suffer from chronic constipation, add cucumber to
your daily diet.